Saturday, December 4, 2010

Learning in the Introduction to eLearning Course and Next Steps

It was a long road to the end of this quarter. I am still struggling to complete the tasks and wrap up all the loose ends. We had our last course session on Tuesday. I had worked to place a power point presentation within Elluminate and create a Wiki, since I do not have access to a LMS application. Learning all of these technologies was easy until it came time to present it. Of course nothing worked like it should have and I have had to redo everything I did for the presentation. I am including the presentation for your viewing. There is no audio.

We are supposed to create an eportfolio using our blog. However, I found an eportfolio site on Google and used it because it had more space. Unfortunately it did not allow me to embed the sites or if it did I still have not figured out how to do it. I will present that site in my next blog. It is going to take some doing to get it done and completed in time for our deadline of December 8, 2010.

One of the technologies I hope to introduce students to use is the Glogster application. It is easy to use and for those students who hate to blog, it is a perfect way to display what they have learned and would like to present to the class on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. I am entering my Glogster presentation for you to view. It is on the topic of Aging in America. The You Tube video was done most probably by a student who used some rather interesting words to describe discrimination and may have fallen victim to the concept himself.

Well it is obvious I like pressure, pain and the Joys of eLearning because I have registered for the next course the” Essentials of eLearning.” The course explains that it is for instructors or students who want to learn how to teach on line exclusively or in a blended environment. We were introduced to the instructor Jennifer D on the section in this course devoted to Personal Learning and Networking Environments. She is a knowledgeable woman; and I cannot wait to see what challenges she will present in this course. I have purchased and received one of the two course texts and suddenly realized I had no idea what they are about. I am not certain if they are even written in English! Okay, I am a bit nervous blended with excitement and resignation.

The motivation for all of this eLearning is my desire to teach. I simply could not face teaching in a University when I left the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It seemed like the most boring thing to do on the face of the earth. My advisor at the University of Utah, to this day, feels like the emphasis on publishing is the most important requirement and the excellence of teaching means little or nothing to the University system. Quite the opposite is true in a college environment, where teaching is the main focus. So, I have packed my tools into my virtual briefcase and set out on this journey with hope and determination. As I am looking from side to side, I do not see many of my classmates in this course walking in the same direction…am I going down the wrong path? I don’t think so!

Our Group Presentation on Creative Commons and Licenses:

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