What is this Holiday Season really all about? Some 2000 years ago three astrology practicing Kings or wise men believed a Great King was born. A star in the sky led them to him. They believed he was a mighty King of Kings and brought rare and expensive gifts to his Mother and Father for this newborn boy. King Herod learning of this birth was so upset he had all Jewish newborn males killed to put this competition to rest, once and for all time.
A small child born where they kept animals is still remembered by Christians today. Their greatest of earthly and Heavenly Kings born in a humble place where animals grazed and shepherds watched their flocks. There was no castle, no rich robes, no royalty present, only shepherds and animals staring in awe at a small baby boy born to a young Jewish woman and her carpenter husband. So, what is all the fuss?
Let us assume that the Christians are correct and He was the promised Messiah. What exactly did He do during his short life on earth? If we believe the writings about this, He taught the fine points of His religious beliefs to others. He cured the sick and raised the dead. He was kind and gentle toward the people He encountered in need. He helped His followers or anyone who came to Him when they needed to be feed or healed. He asked his followers to do good deeds and love their brothers and sisters. He told them, when asked, that in every person rested His Father’s Kingdom. He told them that whatever they did to the least of God’s people, they did to Him. His followers likened Him to the Gentle Shepherd, protecting His sheep from the wolves and other animals of the night.
To the Jewish leadership of his time, he was a man among many men claiming to be the Messiah. He was apparently not believed; eventually he was put to death. It does not appear that he killed anyone, nor did he seem to hurt others. But his words were so powerful; the enemies he faced felt it necessary to put him to death. How tragic if he really was and is the King of Kings. What does that tell us about us?
So we ask why this innocent child made such an impression on others. If He was the King of Kings, why did He not use his power to show others who He really was? He had created the heavens and earth and could have worked wonders beyond any mankind had seen before. He did none of these things. He left it up to each of us to believe or disbelieve just who He was and why He came to us in a quiet and humble way, only to be remembered throughout these 2000+ years.
The boy grown to a man taught, healed, forgave and led a life that He asked us to emulate. I don’t think He meant for us to live in our warm houses and attend services on His Birthday in richly furnished warm churches, while others live in the cold without a home. While traditions are wonderful and the concept of Santa Claus and all the trimmings of Christmas and parties and expensive gifts give us great pleasure and joy…what does He see if He is the King of Kings? How well have we learned the lessons He taught us when children go to bed hungry and without a roof over them for the night? No matter how much we give the need is still greater and some have so much more than others. Just how uncomfortable are we willing to be so another might come in from the cold and find shelter as His mother did so many years ago? Is a place to keep animals the best we can do? Are tents enough?
Each day I work at the EDVP, I hear women with children ask for housing only to be told, “…there is no room at the Inn.” How long will we as a people believers and non-believers turn our eyes away when these cries go unanswered? Our governor in Washington has washed her hands and lamented that we must cut services to the most vulnerable of our society. Christmas eve she will be tucked in her bed, like most of us, warm, safe and waiting for our families to celebrate with us on Christmas day. Yet the needy are our family members as well. If we knew that each of them may be the King of Kings or Heavens Child or God Himself; would we still treat them this way? Would we be the ones to say, “…there is no room…” What is this Holiday really all about?
It seems to me it is about a simple word…love, followed up with another rather elusive word…peace. Can we hope to find peace if we cannot seem to fully comprehend the word love? Looking into the face of a newborn, any newborn so dependent on us, we must conclude this child may have already told us what it is all about. It is possible God came to us, to be one of us, to teach us about mankind and what we need to do to reach the goals set out for us in His teachings. Did we listen?
Now for the fun!! The digital Story of the birth of this child.
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